PSHE Secondary Schools
All Safety Box staff have been checked and cleared to work with children by the criminal records bureau (DBS). They are certified in Safeguarding of Children and lead workers hold a first aid at work certificate.
In addition, our staff have been selected from a wide variety of complementary backgrounds including social work, therapeutic practice, counselling, education, security and police.
Many of our programs are supported by the Police and some of our staff members are x-offenders who help to run of some of the courses, giving their unique lived experience that is easily recognised by students that may have behavioural challenges.
Classes include groupwork and one-to-one delivery, off site work, fun based team work activities, short lectures using interactive video aids.
Our courses run throughout the spring, summer and autumn terms with controlled assessment. Summer holiday and extra-curricular courses are also run throughout the year.
Each module runs for one/two hours and is based on the national curriculum. We deliver short based programs including workshops (1-2) hours, long workshops (3 hours), full accredited AQA (2 months programs) in addition to extended wrap around specialist therapy programs some lasting 1 academic term.
The Safety Box has 15 years experience of delivering programs to schools and have impacted over 17,000 young people throughout the UK at schools and alternative provisions.
70% of our courses are tailored to the specific needs of each school. Individual students will also have different requirements and our staff have the knowledge and experience to be able to adapt to personal needs
including therapeutic practice.
The Safety Box compliments the priorites found within the Children and Families Strategy ‘A Fair Chance in Life for All’ working in Partnership with public and private bodies in:
Transforming early intervention and prevention support for vulnerable
children and families; and
Ensuring children are safe at home, school and in the community
Spring Term Courses (10 weeks)
The following list of programs run throughout the spring term and can be tailor made specifically to fit the needs of the school.
Money and Spending (PLTS/Functional Skills/PSHE)
Financial Awareness & Economic well being (PSHE/Functional Skills)
Building a business (Functional Skills/PLTS/Enterprise)
Entrepreneurship (Enterprise/Functional Skills)
Beliefs and moral values (PSHE/Citizenship)
Recognising your worth as an individuals (Citizenship)
Sex Education (PSHE)
The consequences of anti-social behaviour (PSHE)
Healthy Eating and Health (PSHE)
Everything you need to know about social networking (PSHE)
Staying Safe on the streets, at home and to and from school (PSHE)
Challenging peer pressure (PSHE)
Planning and spotting danger (PSHE)
Travelling home on public transport (on and off site program)
The world beyond school (Citizenship/Functional Skills)
Staying safe when home alone (PSHE)
Fight or Flight response (The Science behind our bodies) (PSHE)
The Dangers of Reacting (PSHE)
Non-aggressive Self Defence (PE/PSHE/Extended Schools)
No need for fear (PSHE)
How to stay safe when it becomes physical (PE/PSHE)
Dangers of being cut by a knife (What to do) (PSHE/PLTS)
Aspire Higher Anti-Knife Crime Program - Intervention program
Alcohol and Substance Abuse (PSHE)
Rape and sexual assault awareness (PSHE)
Studying, Jobs, Interview and CV writing (PSHE/Functional Skills)
Autumn Term Courses (6 - 7 Weeks)
The courses are run on a Autumn, Spring and Summer Term basis. Each program runs for 6 - 8 weeks and can be delivered either 1 hour or 2 hours per week.
Please note the programs vary based on age and pupil needs and can be delivered as programs or workshops.
Aspire Higher Personal Development & Anti-Knife Program (AQA)
GCSE Preparation for Year 10/11 - Motivation, Revision and Attainment.
The Safety Box Peace Week (PSHE Whole school Activity Days)
Financial Awareness & Economic well being (PSHE/Functional Skills)
Cyber Bullying and Internet Safety (PSHE)
Awareness of unsafe environments and Personal Safety (PSHE)
The consequences of anti-social behaviour (PSHE)
GCSE Preparation for Year 10/11 Motivation, Revision and Attainment
Healthy Eating (PSHE)
Anti Bullying (PSHE/Citizenship)
Differences: Cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, gender and disabilities
The ideal Citizen (Citizenship)
Beliefs and moral values (PSHE/Citizenship)
Recognising your worth as an individuals (Citizenship)
Respect and privacy (PSHE/Citizenship)
‘Keeping your cool (Citizenship)’
Conflict Resolution (PSHE/Citizenship)
Staying safe and away from harm (PSHE)
The Environment (PSHE/Citizenship)
Young people and the Law (PSHE/Citizenship)
Staying Safe on the streets, at home and to and from school (PSHE)
Striving for success (PLTS/Functional Skills)
Thinking about achievement (PLTS/Functional Skills)
Challenging peer pressure (PSHE)
Planning and spotting danger (PSHE)
Travelling home on public transport (on and off site program)
The world beyond school (Citizenship/Functional Skills)
Staying safe when home alone (PSHE)
Fight or Flight response (The Science behind our bodies) (PSHE)
Carrying a weapon is NOT a game (PSHE) - Intervention program
Avoiding violence (PSHE) - Intervention program
The Dangers of Reacting (PSHE)
Non-aggressive Self Defence (PE/PSHE/Extended Schools)
No need for fear (PSHE)
How to stay safe when it becomes physical (PE/PSHE)
Dangers of being cut by a knife (What to do) (PSHE/PLTS)
DSRD Dynamic Simulation Responses, Physical (PE/PLTS)
Self Defence & the Law (PSHE)/Citizenship)
Building a business (Functional Skills/PLTS/Enterprise)
Entrepreneurship (Enterprise/Functional Skills)
Thinking and going beyond (Functional Skills)
Alcohol and Drug addiction (PSHE)
Rape and sexual assault awareness with Self Defence (PSHE)